Dr. Cheryl Evans Jones began serving as the 17th President of 佩因大学 in 2019. Since her tenure as President, 佩因大学 has achieved significant accomplishments including institutional accreditation by the Transnational Association of Christian College and 学校 (TRACS), approval to offer distance education by TRACS, approval for participation in Division I South of the National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA), partnering with the 奥古斯塔国家高尔夫俱乐部 which established two endowed scholarships in the name of Lee Elder and a women's golf team for the first time in the College's history, 1美元的补助金.4 million from Augusta-Richmond County Commission to mitigate the effects of COVID-19, and accreditation of the Department of Business Administration by the 认证 Council of Business School 项目 (ACBSP).
Dr. Jones has over 28 years of experience in higher education at 佩因大学 having first joined the faculty in January 1993 as a full-time Assistant Professor of Psychology. In 1999, she was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor and in 2001, she earned Tenure status. Dr. Jones was twice recipient of the "Evelyn Berry Teacher of the Year" Award (2002 and 1998). She was a recipient of the Vulcan Materials Company "Teaching Excellence Award-2001" presented by Vulcan Materials Company 和 Georgia Foundation for Independent Colleges, 公司. "in recognition of outstanding contributions to undergraduate education, 学生的学习, 以及网上赌博网站十大排行.
During her tenure at 潘恩, Dr. Jones has held several administrative positions of increasing responsibility: Coordinator of the Department of Psychology, Interim Chair of the Division of Social Sciences, Associate Dean of 学术事务, Interim Vice President of 学术事务, Executive Assistant to the President which included Title III Coordinator and Director of Planning and Evaluation, Acting Provost and Vice President of 学术事务, Provost and Vice President of 学术事务, 兼代理总统.
Dr. Jones is the recipient of the Perry Broadcasting of Augusta "Education Professional of the Year" Award (2019), the Augusta City Classic "Andrew Jefferson 领导 Award" (2019), the Augusta Branch of the National Association of University Women "Citizen of the Year" Award, 和 第一个收到 罗莎T. 胡子遗产奖. Along with other female presidents of UNCF institutions, Dr. Jones was recently honored at the 20th Anniversary of the Maya Angelou Women Who Lead Luncheon held in Charlotte.
奥古斯塔人. Jones received the Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology 优等生 from Fisk University (Nashville, Tennessee). 在菲斯克大学的时候, she was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, the nation's oldest honor society for the liberal arts and sciences. She received the Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Clinical-Child/Developmental Psychology from The Ohio State University (Columbus, 俄亥俄州).
Dr. Jones is an active member of Christ Presbyterian Church (USA) where she serves as a Ruling Elder on Session and Treasurer of the Ellis-Harris Presbyterian Women. In the Augusta community, Dr. Jones is Vice President of Membership for The Augusta (GA) Chapter of The Links, 合并, a member of the Rotary Club of Augusta, 和 Morris Museum of Art's Honorary Board. 她是……的成员 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, 合并. Dr. Jones is a 2009 graduate of 领导 Augusta and served on its Board of Directors.
Dr. Jones was married to the late Dr. George Evans Jones, a 佩因大学 alumnus.
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